#behum4nkind Empowering you to unlock the potential within!


Empower your World


Empower your world



There may be a lot wrong in the world, but there is also a lot right about it. We have chosen to be the difference we long to see and build a community of people who believe that there is another way, despite what life might have thrown at them.  

In 2021, with the world locked down amidst the pandemic, our co-founders locked-in on their commitment to bring HUM4NS to life. HUM4NS has now expanded into a BRAVE new world where we talk about the challenges people face. We are on a path of personal development to become the change we want to see, and support many others wanting to do the same. 

HUM4NS is built around four pillars that we believe will help us to look outward by first looking inward, make the impossible plausible. These are Self (Personal Development), Health, Love and Relationships and Giving. The format comprises 90 days of learning and empowering using our Challenge books, monthly challenges and becoming a part of our vibrant community. 

We believe that everyone has something positive to offer to the world and our team at HUM4NS is focused on empowering you to unlock that potential from within. Too often we allow external circumstances to delay making positive changes to our lives and we want to inspire you to start wherever you are right now.  

Our Mission

Helping humans discover the art of the possible and flourish on an individual, community and global level. 

Our Vision

The worlds biggest self-development movement equipping 1 billion humans to live an empowered life individually and together.

Our Story

Twenty-five years in the making, HUM4NS started as a seed in the head of a thirteen-year-old child. Sitting down in a high school career meeting the boy was asked ‘what he wanted to be when he grew up’. Replying simply, but directly, the boy replied ‘I want to be a teacher’…

Our Values

At HUM4NS we maintain a focus to be…











Twenty-five years in the making, HUM4NS started as a seed in the head of a thirteen-year-old child. Sitting down in a high school career meeting the boy was asked ‘what he wanted to be when he grew up’. Replying simply, but directly, the boy replied ‘I want to be a teacher’.  

The response from the career advisor was a little unexpected. Bursting into laughter, the advisor, mid-laugh, responded with ‘you’ll never be a teacher, you’re just not academic! (ie. You’re a bit thick!) Stick to something you’re good at… like sport’.  

In this moment, something extraordinary happened. Something awakened in the heart of the boy and he set his life mission on not only becoming a teacher, but helping others to build confidence, find happiness and achieve their own dreams and aspirations. A commitment that he’d continue over the years, no matter what obstacles, challenges or barriers were put in his way. 

Fast forward to 2021. The boy now has a degree in Education Studies, a Post Graduate Certificate of Education (qualifying as a teacher) and a Masters in Professional Development, laying to rest the perception that he simply wasn’t academic. Shortlisted as Entrepreneurs Champion at the Great British Entrepreneur Awards in both 2017 & 2018 and recognized as one of the Top 50 Business Advisors in the UK in both 2019 & 2020 by Enterprise Nation, he now specializes in Mindset coaching helping both individuals and organizations to thrive on both a personal and professional level.  

The boy’s journey led to him introducing the HUM4NS concept to some incredible entrepreneurs in 2019 as part of the NatWest Entrepreneur Accelerator. You could call it karma, fate, kismet, serendipity or the law of attraction, but it’s here where our co-founders’ worlds collided and the next phase of HUM4NS was born. 

Darrell was focussed on winning big in the agency world and had built his career up to owning an award winning agency. Then, after a change of heart, following a re-examination of heart, he realised that something was amiss.

He had been working on brands that had more to do with ending people’s lives than celebrating them, so he walked away from the opportunity to own that award winning agency. He then founded Cre8ion – a creative agency within a charity that scaled and became a separate business in 2016.

Enrolling on the Natwest Entrepreneurial Accelerator saw Darrell scale the business further. The scheme gave him the confidence to launch a software company called Di9ital and Darrell joined Olly on the HUM4Ns journey as a co-founder.

Darrell is passionate about helping people find their purpose and then helping them achieve it. He also helps people to retrieve an alignment with purpose when there is a loss of focus. He has recently written a book called ‘The Crisis Catalyst’ telling his own personal story, and helping people double down on purpose to achieve extraordinary results. 

Many of us get lost pursuing a dream and forget what it is to be human – Darrell’s job is about helping you to be happier, healthier, smarter and kinder by getting your priorities right and building a life of legacy.

HUM4NS began life as a series of talks  amongst entrepreneurs, providing them with a platform to step out from behind ‘what they do’ and venture into the ‘who I am, what holds me back and how I moved forward’. The platform created an opportunity for ordinary people to share Honest, Uplifting, Motivational, Aspirational, Nourishment for the Soul, inspiring others to take action and build towards achieving their own dreams. 

Today, HUM4NS is a movement for change that teaches us to #behumankind

Olly and Darrell 

Meet The Team

Olly Reid

Co Founder

Darrell Irwin

Co Founder

Any Questions?

Get in touch and start your teams transformation today!


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